Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Never argue finer points with a toddler

David usually handles bath time but I've had the chance to give Rachel her bath twice this week. Both nights have been a ton of fun but tonight illustrates why toddlers often are poor conversationalists.

There is a set of railroad tracks about a mile from our house. Thanks to the cold weather and the snow/ice blanket, the train horns have been a lot easier to hear. So during bath time tonight I heard the train horn blaring and asked Rachel to be very quiet and listen with me to hear the train.

"What you say, mommy?"

"I said that if we get really quiet we can hear the train."

A moment of silence follows.

"Is that the train?"

"Yes. That woo-woo noise is the train."

"Mommy. That's no train. There no trains at our house."

"Rachel, I know trains aren't at our house. This one is about a mile away but we can hear it because of the cold weather."

"Mommy (very impatiently). There no train at our house. That no train. Stop being silly."

So what do you say at this point? I mean, she is the child of David Hamby. She will argue a point till the cows come home. So I said, you're right, the train is not at our house. Hey, show me how you blow bubbles again!

Ah, conversations with toddlers.

1 comment:

cyclefreaks said...

OK MH, having a blog means you actually have to POST on the blog...
