Sunday, July 12, 2009

Random thoughts

I mistakenly waited until it was miserably hot (instead of just unpleasantly hot) to run today. Nothing like a slow, miserable run to get the wheels turning. Mainly I thought about my girls and how big they are getting. I worry about Rachel and how much trouble she'll get into at school this year. She's a good kid but so strong willed. They say she's great at daycare but I don't always get to see great at home.
I worry about Lauren growing a spine and standing up to some of her pushier friends. Guess that's why having Rachel for a sister can only be a good thing!
And I worry about making it to the water fountain but that's my own fault!

Dave's trying to figure out his new obsession. We've got a different house and a different car. What's next? I told him I didn't care what the new obsession was as long as he did not start looking fora new woman. He just rolled his eyes.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Hello out there? I've waited three months...

Clearly I am not the best blogger ever. Maybe I should put blogspot on my phone...
It has been a crazy ride lately but I can sense that things are settling down.

May:Bought a house. Sold a house. Took qualifying exam.
June: Started LAST CLASS!!! Hate the weekly drive to Stillwater but know the end is in site. Traveled to Florida for a conference. My suitcase traveled to Hawaii in route to Tulsa:) Moved the day after I got home.
July: Attempted to get house set up. Recovering from May and June.
Today: Bought a new to us car! 2005 Matrix (no, we won't name it Neo.)

The carousel is slowing down, though. Thank goodness!

Rachel turned 3 June 19th and I think she is (finally) starting to grow out of some of the toddler issues. But every timeI say that, we seem to have a huge set-back, so I won't claim it yet.

Lauren moved into training bras. Really. I'm sure she would love me posting this but, darn it, she is getting big! This December she will move into double digits!

During the move I found some of my old running logs. I have not regularly kept a running log since I had Lauren. I was happy to see that my times these days are better than my times 11-12 years ago but it was a real downer to discover my actual pre-Lauren weight. I thought I was 10 pounds above it- turns out I am 13-17 pounds over what I was then. Of course, even with this depressing knowledge I still had ice cream tonight!

I have two favorite things about the new house. The first is the back porch, something we did not have at the other house. The second (and this will sound weird) is the ice. I don't know what it is but the freezer makes really great ice.

If you've made it this far you will either be happy or dismayed to know that I am going to try to update the blog twice a week. Good? Bad? Just plain boring? We'll see.