Wednesday, February 11, 2009

the memory of an 89 year old

It has been a while since I posted and when I run I always come up with great topics. And then I forget them...

On the "stupid things about me" front, about 3 months ago I severly overplucked only one brow. That's right- just one. So I have been trying to grow it out. And, of course, it has grown back patchy. For the last two weeks one of my brows has looked liked it belongs to Vanilla Ice- you know, the fade.

Remember- I forget the quality stuff.


Anonymous said...

Ice Ice Baby! I hope your eyebrow feels better soon! ha!

Anonymous said...

I should be ashamed that I didn't notice this.

cyclefreaks said...

LOL, don't feel bad. I had a drunken incident in my 20s that involved completely losing one eyebrow and having to get stitches. Ever since it grew back, it's wild and wonky. Ain't nothin' I can do to fix it either...

morning miles said...

Dave you've gone hours without noticing my haircut, why would you notice an eyebrow!