Saturday, February 14, 2009

V-day, whatever

The older I get the less I appreciate romantic gestures.

And I know that makes me sound like scrooge. But I started developing a theory a few years ago that people (read this as men) fall into one of two categories: romantic or reliable. I realize that assigning dichotmous categories is silly and that there are always shades of grey, but I have mainly seen one of these groupings in the men I know.

Case 1: Romantic. My dad is an example of this group. I love my father dearly. But my dad has consistently been the chief in my parents house. Everything is based on when he wants to do things. When I was little he rarely came home from work before Micah and I were in bed. When we got older, no one could eat dinner until he was home. Mom had to pretty much put the meal on hold until he arrived- and that could be anywhere from 6-8:30. He got mad if she let us eat before then and he also forbade after school snacks. Yet he made romantic gestures to my mom often- bringing her flowers, perfume, or a box of chocolates. Buying her special things that she wanted.

Case 2: Reliable. David is the perfect example of this. He understands if we eat before he gets home. He loads the dishwasher (he says I do it wrong) and he does the laundry. He spends time with the girls. He doesn't believe in giving flowers and he isn't big on gifts "just because."

When I was younger I might have (probably did) think romantic is better but I now know that reliable trumps romantic any day, any place, any time. Hands down.

Thanks David.

And the m&ms rocked.

I should add that I have become less romantic over time. For our second v-day as a married couple I created 26 little baggies of oreos, one for each letter of the alphabet, and put a note for whatever letter it was in the baggie too. I hid these all over the house. This year (year 13 as a married pair) I gave him a shark steam vac and the first season of Dexter. A steam cleaner and a bloody tv show. Not so romantic. ne should reliably clean the hardwoods and the other is likely to reliably be entertaining.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's not that you don't load the dishwasher wrong ... it's that you don't load it as well as it could be done.

Thanks for the nice post. That was very sweet of you.