Friday, January 9, 2009

Daily grindstone

I so enjoyed my winter break (the multitude of religions at Uschool has forever impacted my ability to call it Christmas break). So heading back to work this week totally sucked.

One highlight was Sunday night when I apparently dreamed about a helicopter circling above our house (I swear it was real). I got out of bed and was watching it circle once while shining a spotlight and woke David up (while at the window). We had a lot of debates about whether or not the copter was there. Who knows? But it was pretty tough to get back to sleep after that.

This bizarre Okie weather has been a source of more confusion than normal. It gets nice, it gets cold, it gets nice, it gets cold, it... well, you've got the point.

David and I rented a few movies over break. We saw Iron Man (which was surprisingly enjoyable) and Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull (even Lauren thought it was stupid- I mean, I liked the campy bits but the end, geez...). We also caught Oh Brother and Dodgeball on tv (probably good old TBS). I work with some people who have never seen either of these. I know Dodgeball is silly, but I swear it cracks me up every time. Every single time. And then I want to quote it. Not so great around kids.

Lauren's first basketball game of the season is tomorrow. Heaven help me. Last year we were on a Park and Rec team and we lost every game. Plus Lauren played like a statue. I am hoping for better this year. She can actually dribble this year but the coach isn't working them very hard and they really haven't practiced enough (versus last year's too many practices!).


cyclefreaks said...

I was a little surprised at how much I liked Iron Man too. I thought Robert Downey Jr. was fabulous...have you guys seen Wall-E? Love that movie...

So I have jogged (if you want to call it that) 3 times so far this week and planning on tomorrow. It sure does hurt though. :(

morning miles said...

We haven't seen Wall-E yet but will have to soon. I keep hearing great things about it.

How far are you going? I'm not even going to hit 20 miles this week (I like to get in over 28).