Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Back in the saddle?

After months of not posting, I've decided to begin blogging about my morning miles again.

Today was a run free day, a much needed run free day. Talk about being tired. I don't think I could've dragged myself out of bed to make it out.

What is it about magazines that make them so enjoyable. I know, journalism is supposed to be a dying profession, but is there anything as satisfying as sitting down with a magazine and thumbing through the contents. Magazines don't require the same attention span as a book. And, if I chose to, I can completely ignore pieces within the publication that don't appeal to me (although some strange sense of obligation- to the subscription fee perhaps- drives me to read what I would like to skip).

One publication I really enjoy is Runner's World. I think they atually only have about 12 different magazines they print- storylines are recycled and the names of up and coming runners change but pretty much the articles focus on the same old things. My favorite part, though, is the piece at the back that focuses on celebrity runners. This month features Bobby Flay. He claims he ran his first two marathons with no training. Oh, get real Bobby. No training? I bet you were popping out some 15 milers before the big day.

I like the Bobby Flay bit, though. First of all, he looks like a normal person. He's not rail thin or built like a super athlete. Secondly, he admits that he runs so he can eat. I know just what he means.

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